Open Board Member Positions
The Grand Rapids Junior Chamber is a creative space which allows our members to expand their network, lead change in their community, and grow themselves in professional settings. A Board Director is either elected by members annually or appointed by the Executive Board throughout the year. Below are open Board Member positions at the Grand Rapids Junior Chamber. If you have interest in serving your community and growing your leadership skills through our organization, please fill out this application as well as e-mail enclosing your resume. Please also feel free to reach out with any questions.
2024-2025 Open Board Member Positions
Below are the current Board Member openings within our organization. Board Members support the Executive Board throughout the year and have specific monthly tasks and obligations. This is a perfect opportunity for you to utilize your current professional skills or venture out into a new position to learn new skills, all in an inclusive and supportive setting.
Treasurer (Executive)
The Treasurer shall be responsible for conducting all day-to-day financial operations (i.e., bookkeeping, banking, bill payments, etc.).
Operations Director
The Director of Operations shall oversee that events and gatherings sponsored by the Grand Rapids Junior Chamber of Commerce are enjoyable to all and shall act as a liaison for active members and the Board of Directors for appeal purposes.
IT Director
The Director of Information Technology shall oversee the maintenance of the Grand Rapids Junior Chamber of Commerce’ website and work with the Director of Social Engagement and Director of Operations to confirm the calendar is up-to-date.
Membership Director
The primary function Director of Membership shall be to recruit new members to the organization and shall be responsible for reinvigorating the Alumni of the Grand Rapids Junior Chamber of Commerce.
Social Engagement Director
The Director of Social Engagement shall be responsible for social events and maintaining Grand Rapids Junior Chamber of Commerce’s public image.
Training Director
The Director of Training shall be in charge creating a training schedule in line with the mission and values of Grand Rapids Junior Chamber of Commerce with a focus of leadership and professional development.